Dragonfly: Blue Eyed Darner

Welsh's Milkweed

Death Camas

Lichen on Sagebrush

Upland Larkspur

Silvery Lupine

Sprouting: Big Tooth Maple

Refresh:Big Tooth Maple

Sylvia's Tree

The Meadow Breeze: Aspen Fleabane and Sedge

Plains Prickly Pear

Dark Throated Shooting Star

Wasatch Fittend

Woods Rose


Glacier Lily

Seep Monkeyflower

Sol Dancer Daisy

Sugar Snap Peas

Meyer Lemon


Painted Lady and Eastern Redbud

Garlic Scapes in Graphite

Radish in Graphite

Hairy Clematis on Kelmscott Vellum

Hairy Clematis on Kelmscott Vellum 2

Prickly Poppy

Dwarf Bear Poppy

Bon Appetit: Pearly Everlasting and Painted Lady Butterfly

Allium's Aria: Tapertip Onion

Rooted Renewal

A New Heart

Red Elderberry

Biological Soil Crust

Summers Gift: Woodland Strawberry


Wildflower Bouquet

Orange Milkweed

Sego Lillies and Grass

Fire Chalice

Wyoming Paintbrush

Aspen Bluebells

Bur Oak Leaf and Acorn

Coopers Hawk Feather

Two Sides of The Same Feather: Northern Flicker

Sego Lillies

Scarlet Globemallow

Big Tooth Maple

Showy Goldeneye

Owls claws and Forget-Me-Nots

Three Leaf Sumac

Spices in Silverpoint


Western Jacob's Ladder


Citrus Fruit

Purple Tulip

Gambel Oak Leaf and Acorn

Autumns Adieu: Dried Woods Rosehip