Botanical Art Connects Us to the Natural World.
Rose is a Utah-based botanical artist with a passion for growing plants, preserving and restoring native plant communities. Utah has many incredible wildflowers that deserve to be represented in the botanical art world, and documented for conservation efforts. Rose strives to meet those needs.
Botanical Art Prints
Buying prints is an affordable way to have unique art in your home.
Each print is color matched to the original and professionally printed on archival quality white paper.
To learn more about the paintings, check out my portfolio.
To purchase originals, email
Blog Posts
Read about my process, the paintings, and the amazing plants that inspire them

Found Things
A painting of items I have found on my adventures, or have been given to me by friends and family.

Art and Soup
A sneak peek at what’s new for Art and Soup

Solo Art Exhibit
Solo Exhibit at Red Butte Garden

Summer Art Classes Recap

Balancing Act
Balancing motherhood and creating art

Butterflies of Utah
Learning to paint Utah native butterflies

A collection of spices drawn in silverpoint

Reference Photo Season
When the flowers atart to bloom, I start to collect reference information

A New Studio
A New Studio space to work and teach in

Upcoming exhibitions and art shows, and the art I have in them.

A New Page
What I had a the JKR Gallery’s A New Page show.

I’m painting poppies in January

Red Elderberry
Beginning a new botanical painting of Red Elderberry in my Utah mountain yurt.


Final Essay


Amelanchier alnifolia or Serviceberry. Three branches depicting spring blooms, summer fruit, and autumn leaves of the serviceberry bush.

Shop Opening and New Paintings

Final Assignment