
Do you remember the Kmart free shipping commercial?

Well, I just shipped my painting.

Have no idea what I’m talking about? Search it up on YouTube. It’s worth a minute of your time.

Bright yellow flowers with tiny blue flowers

It terrifies me every time I drop my brown envelope off at the UPS store. What if it doesn’t make it? What if my tutor hates it? What if it never makes it back? and so forth. I counted how many hours I spent on this one. 52 1/2 hours, not counting taking reference photos, researching the plants, labeling, etc.

That’s 22 hours drawing

3 hours working out the composition

2 1/2 hours tracing

and 25 hours painting

And I put it is worth $1 so my tutor doesn’t have to pay any fees or taxes to accept it. It’s a bit of a punch in the gut. I have to trust the system to work. I really put my heart into this one. I featured my home away from home in the background.




Forget Me-Nots and Owls Claws