Art and Science have always been part of my life. Botanical art is an intersection between those two worlds.

I grew up drawing, playing in fields, and growing flowers. Being out in nature has been my safe place when life is hard. Several years ago I purchased a house with a large, overgrown garden. I began researching the plants and how to take care of them. It was a big task. To make the job easier, I enrolled in the Master Gardener program offered by Utah State Extension, our local land grant university. This was my first real taste of botany, and I was hooked.

Fast forward a few years. I know the plants in my garden well, many of them are native to Utah. I started photographing them, arranging them, giving them as gifts to friends. One day I stumbled upon a painting of an artichoke. I was so inspired by this painting, I began to teach myself watercolor so I could create botanical art too.

I graduated from the Society of Botanical Artists Diploma Course with Distinction(the highest level of diploma they award). It was a Distance Learning course, so I was able to stay home while learning from some of the best botanical artists in the world.

In 2023, I was invited by the Society of Botanical Artists to be an SBA Fellow. This is an honor, as the SBA is the oldest international botanical art society in the world.

I find myself drawn to native plants, and hope to use my art educate others about the amazing plants that call Utah home, as well as aid in their conservation.